As a child I always seem to know when things were going to happen. I kept this to myself most of the time since I was the middle of three sisters with a brother six years younger than me. As a result of watching little things happen and come true I chose to remain silent and became very shy. I seemed to be more an observer than a doer with so much going on in the family. I remained fairly quiet throughout all my school years with a small amount of close friends. It wasn't until I was out of my parents house and in my twenties when I could put a term to how I was....Intuitive.
I believe everyone is Intuitive, it is just a matter of paying attention to your thoughts and feelings. Everyone has to to develop their own intuition once they recognize they have intuition. This goes along with the saying to "Always follow your gut feelings" about things. The area right below your heart in the upper stomach is your Psychic Center, your "feeling" center which goes along with the "gut feeling" saying.
I met a man in my mid twenties whom I had a telepathic connection with. We dated for a brief time before I moved back to my home town. We both continued to stay connected telepathically for many,many years. Invariable I would call to check on him or he would call to check on me and we were both tuning into each other at that same moment. It seems as if he would send me thought waves which I would pick up or vice versa.
I am sure many of you have thought about someone you may not ordinarily think about just to have them call you that day. This is a telepathic connection, which is also an aspect of being "Intuitive". I wanted answers as to why he and I had such a strong connection so I started studying and reading more about Intuition.
I went on to marry someone else whom I divorced years later but I had two wonderful boys, therefore being a mom took over for a while. Then in my early thirties I started having dreams that came true. The very first dream I had came true within two days of my dream. It was like watching a dream become a movie in real life as the details of that dream played out in my real life. I decided to pay more attention to my dreams and to continue with my metaphysical studies.
Fast forward, I remarried a wonderful man and we all moved to Colorado. At the age of 36 I had a vivid dream of my husband and I spending the whole day together but at the end of the dream everything went into fluffly clouds. The next day I watched minute by minute, detail by detail as every bit of my dream played out in real life again. Sadly at the end of that day my husband passed away of a major heart attack in the car with me. I was driving him to the emergency room 22 miles away. My husband's last words to me were "NO WAIT" as he was looking up at the ceiling of the car. I had not asked him a question at all but mentioned that there was the first snow on top of Pikes Peak.
I often questioned what those words meant but now after having gone through so many of my own not normal, paranormal experiences I felt that he was talking to his angels and guides who were there to come and get him. He just wasn't ready to pass from this world into spirit world.
I have had many more vivid dreams come true. As a result of my life experiences I developed a quest for more spiritual knowledge. All of my life events led me to where I am today.
I am very happy to be able to be of service to others now and perhaps shed light where they may seem to be in the dark!
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